Monday, 8 May 2017

Introduction to Year 2

Today at Uni, the tutors spoke to us about the plan of action for next year. I found it very useful because now I know about the structure of the course as from September. I know that there are 3 main modules which all run throughout the year. TID 1360 Studio Practice 3 will run throughout term 1, TID 1361 Studio Practice 4 will run throughout term 2, TID 1362 is contextual studies and these lectures will continue to run throughout the year. I feel like I'll be entering year 2 with more confidence now, especially because I know about the step up in the standard of work required. The best 100 credits from my second year will go towards my final degree mark. This is equivalent to 33.33% of my overall final attainment for my degree classification. Studio Practice 3 focuses on identifying a potential direction within a range of practices. Based on the experience and knowledge gained during the first year, I will begin to negotiate the types of practice with which I wish to engage. Studio Practice 4 consists of two negotiated projects, 'a self negotiated project' and a 'live brief'.  The projects may be linked or separate. In addition to the live brief, there will also be an external project, set by myself or an agency external to Huddersfield University. This will include working on commissions, publishing, competitions, awards, curating or exhibiting in exhibitions. Hopefully this will provide me with an insight into working within professional contexts and other networking opportunities. I'm looking forward to my practical lessons most and each week I'll be given a brief in the studio. These sessions will include group seminars, discussions, subject specific presentations, student presentations, exhibition planning, strand events and much more. After year 2 I have the opportunity of an optional sandwich year. This sounds like a good idea to me as I'll be given the opportunity to gain experience with an institution or company to develop a small business with the support of the Enterprise Placement Year department. This would be supported through lectures, workshops and direct experience. It has been proven that graduates who undertake this 'sandwich year' gain a higher degree classification. 74% of students who gained a First Class honours in a degree with a sandwich year undertook a placement.

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